Reset your login details here. Follow the on-screen directions and you will receive an email helping you re-access your account.
Do you have an account with another sport?
You are able to take the free ASC courses in any sport in the Australian Sport Learning Centre.
You don't require another account to do so. For more information, click here
Our Learning system was updated on the 17th June 2021 from Canopi to the Australian Sport Learning Centre. No learning accounts were transferred to the new system. If this applies to you, please create a new account by clicking here.
If you would like to access your old certificate(s) please follow the below directions:
- Play By the Rules (go to Sport Integrity Australia's learning system, follow the re-set password process to access your account). Play By the Rules courses were moved to Sport Integrity Australia on the 17th June 2021, including your learning account for Play By the Rules
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